Friday, February 26, 2016

Potato week, part I

Cassie is having one of the busiest weeks ever: two dress rehearsals, two rehearsals for the school musical pit band, one YOCVA concert, two WSO concerts, and her all-state audition. So I've declared this week "potato week" to try and sustain her with one of her favorite foods. First up, mashed potatoes.

One thing to note about any potato recipes: conventional potatoes from the grocery store are one of the "dirty dozen," the foods with the highest pesticide residues. And organic potatoes aren't that much more expensive than regular potatoes, at least at Trader Joe's, which has organic gold and russet potatoes. So try and use organic potatoes whenever you can.

Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes

Adapted from The Zuni Cafe Cookbook (2002) by Judy Rodgers

Time: ~40 minutes

2 pounds gold or russet potatoes, preferably organic
sea salt
¼ cup (60 grams) whole or 2% milk; or 50 grams 1% milk + 10 grams half-and-half
¼ cup (60 grams) low-fat buttermilk
4 tablespoons (57 grams) unsalted butter
freshly ground black or white pepper

    1. Scrub the potatoes well, then peel them. Cut into roughly 1-inch chunks, and place in a 4-quart saucepan or saucier along with 2 teaspoons salt. Cover with cold water by about an inch (~6 cups of water). Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer (~medium heat). Cook until tender—you should be able to slip a paring knife through a potato without any resistance—about 15 minutes, depending on the variety.
    2. When you put the potatoes on to boil, set the milk and buttermilk on the stovetop in separate measuring cups to warm up some. Melt the butter over low heat.
    3. When the potatoes are done, drain them, then pass them through a potato ricer or food mill fitted with the medium- or largest-holed disk and set over a medium bowl. Alternatively, mash the potatoes in a medium bowl with a potato masher. Vigorously whisk into the potatoes the milk, then the buttermilk, and finally the butter until smooth and creamy. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately. Serves 4.

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