Saturday, July 2, 2016

Where did all the beans go?

Last night I was using up some cabbage and green beans that were nearing the end of their shelf life, so I made Stir-Fried "Crack" Cabbage and these green beans, neither of which Dylan sounded overly enthused about. I made the green beans first and set them down in front of Dylan like an appetizer, while I went off to make the cabbage. It didn't take long for the oohing and aahing to start, as Dylan was very taken with the beans. By the time I looked over, half of them were already gone! Better than eating eight cookies in one sitting, I guess. Oh, and Dylan loved the cabbage and had a few helpings of that, too. Always nice when someone likes your food.

Garlic Green Beans

Adapted from The Foods and Wines of Spain (1982) by Penelope Casa via Food52

1 tablespoon butter
¾ pound fresh green beans, tops trimmed
1 clove garlic, minced
kosher or coarse sea salt, or a good finishing salt such as fleur de sel

    1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium to medium-high heat. Add the beans and cook, stirring often, until they begin to get some brown splotches all over.
    2. Reduce the heat to low, cover, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the beans are the desired tenderness, about 15 to 20 minutes for regular beans, less for haricots verts.
    3. Off heat, stir in the garlic, sprinkle with salt to taste, and serve promptly. Serves 4, or Dylan and 2 others.

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