Sunday, April 21, 2024

The big day (for real this time)

It's a cold, overcast late April Sunday after last week's glorious weather (which was perfect for everything except blanket flavors), making this a good day to go through some of the early pictures from Cassie and Jancalo's wedding. There are waaaay too many good pictures (see plenty more here) but these are some of my favorites from the first set.
Here's the invitation:

Good thing there's a compass, in case anyone needed to do some orienteering to find the wedding!
One thing that made this wedding so unique was all of the handmade touches, like the bridesmaids' shawls and wedding cake toppers that Cassie crocheted;
the greeting sign that Cassie drew and painted;

Andi's incredible flower arrangements;
the color-your-own-silhouettes guest "book" that Mom spent a week outlining;

and Cassie's wedding shoes that she hand embroidered.
And speaking of shoes, here's a classic shot of JC tying his shoes as he suits up for the wedding (with Dylan's help):
While JC was tying his shoes good and tight so he wouldn't trip going down the aisle, Cassie also had plenty of help getting ready for the big day.
What's so funny? This photo wasn't staged, was it?

Once Cassie and JC were fully clad, it was off to the mountaintop for their top-secret vows:

Back down the mountain, then it was finally time for the ceremony and public vows in front of friends and family. But first, the emotional blackmail of making me wait in the dressing room for two hours without seeing Cassie, then positioning me in front of the doors leading to the aisle, staring straight ahead while Cassie came down the stairs, so I wouldn't see her until seconds before Mom and I walked her out. Here I am looking like I'm in timeout for bad wedding behavior, while Cassie looks like she's enjoying my shame:

Just call me Dorkus J. "First Look":
Phew, now we can finally get on with the big moment.
Here's the processional, including Mom and Evelyn vying for the "most tears" title, and the cutest flower girl ever:
The ceremony was beautiful and included a serendipitous appearance by a butterfly and an amazing performance of "Know That I Know" by Moriah.

See the butterfly on Moriah's bouquet?

Once the ceremony was over, it was time for ... more pictures.
This one may be my favorite of the whole bunch: Cassie and her kick-ass crew looking like they're in the slow-motion shot in every action movie ever, before the good guys go into the final battle royal, not knowing how many of them would make it home. Chin up ladies, it all works out in the end.

But there were plenty of other good ones, too, of which this is just a small selection, including one of the Ferrer clan in attendance.

After all of those photos, it was finally time to eat, followed by the speeches, including mine I'd been anxious about for weeks. Fortunately, I had the Index Card of Fatherly Wisdom™ to fall back on when giving the newlyweds my unsolicited advice.

After speeches, it was time for Cassie and JC's first dance as husband and wife, followed by the father-daughter dance and the mother-son dance.
𝅘𝅥𝅮"You've got a friend in me..."𝅘𝅥𝅮

Then it was time to let the pros (especially Brad) take over.

And last but not least, Cassie and JC sparkled their way off into the sunset ...

So, I'm obviously totally biased, but I have to say this was the most beautiful, perfect wedding I've ever been to. Nothing could have gone any better. What a great way for Cassie and Jancalo to start their married life together. Cheers!

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